Monday, May 02, 2005


i flooded my kitchen floor
the laminated floor
was floating
and dan
was yelling

if i do something wrong
but it's the result of something
he's put off and not done
am i still to blame?

mother's day is sunday
i planned a martha stewart type brunch
now everyone will have to
wear their outside shoes

the insurance company said
our deductible is $500
i choked on my pancake
and wondered how
we'd ever get that kind
of money

he's at home
with the contractor
and i am hoping that
the house will be clean
when i get home.
(and supper too)


Van-Nasty said...

sounds like somebody's got a case of the mundays
just kidding
i never said that
total 'office space' reference
with the worst timing
just remember
you could be spreadeagled on the kitchen floor and it'd be like a wet t-shirt contest and dan would forget alllllll about the $500 deductible
try it
works like a charm everytime
if not
ice cream seems like a good second option
or a caesar
mmmmm spicy beans

Heather said...

hee. that's why i want a husband.

to do the dishes and take care of things i don't want to take care of.

cooking would be an added bonus.